Thou shall reserve thy deepest wrath, the strongest passion, for the boldest deeds.
The power of such deep wrath becomes truly invincible when you fuel it with your wisdom and transform it into a passion; it then evolves from a sin to a savior: the savior of the righteous way of life-your way of life. A passion to beat the odds, bring the change and build a legacy, which goes on to eradicate the most fundamental reasons of thy wrath itself. It has perhaps been the strongest weakness of mankind, to be eternally consumed by these wrath-full pursuits, but now, no more. Presenting my Ira way of building your brand, by passionately focusing, the rave-aceous focus of the Brand YOU on:
The work-life disharmony: This one aces the list as it indeed is the root of all other evils of one’s professional life! Promise a non negotiable dedication to yourself: Work is work. Period. Beyond it you shall not allow it to encroach upon your- me time, family time and passion time. So rave out against the over demanding work lifestyle and passionately pursuit a beautiful harmony amongst the aforementioned 4 dimensions of the Brand YOU mosaic.
That ‘sleepless’ social factor: These are the causes that deeply perturb you in your sleepless nights by their mere existence-not necessarily in your life, but in the society. What it is, matters not. What you want to change about it that does. And it’s time. Time to rave out against these egregious evils by passionately championing them and consuming them, starting from around you. The scale matters not, the change does: Go social (online) to change social (offline).
The insurmountable challenge: Aha! The one milestone that seems to have a mind of its own! Each of us, have but once faced that elusive milestone, the un-scalable summit that has cost us our wits. Some of us retreat and re-jig while some relapse. Don’t you bow out from the conquest! But bounce back-bounce back vehemently and fuel your brand with the deep seated desire to achieve the impossible. Nurture the disappointment, foster your passion, rave out against the odds-and finally emerge victorious.
Wrath becomes thy passion, when wrought with, thy wisdom.
Your turn to tell me how will you indulge in this ira-tastic art of building the Brand YOU!