Personal Branding is not only about being a brand and doing your brand do. It’s about how you do your Brand-do. Everyone is singing a similar song, but what melodies do you infuse in your song, to make it exclusive, exciting and enriching to all those who hum it-that’s what matters. The moral of the song story is, to focus on how you do your brand karma-differently-such that it not only elevates your personal brand and your career, but also enriches you as a person.
For time immemorial, we have been told to shun the sins: the 7 deadly sins that maketh the death of mankind; atleast metaphorically. But I beg to differ. As beauty lies in the eye of the be-holder; wisdom in our perception. I now urge you to see the beautiful perspective I am sharing with you. I want you to pause, think and only then embrace this sinful art of building the Brand YOU. Believe you me; once you share my perspective, these 7 sins are totally worth indulging into.
Starting this June, for coming 7 weeks, I will take you through this exclusive journey of building your brand, with the once condemned, but now-to be-celebrated traits of building a more meaningful personal brand. Every week as we indulge into a brand new sin for the Brand YOU, you will discover a new perspective on the 7 infamous sins we have known till now, a perspective that will make you wonder, are they really so sinful? Only your perception will decide. Command these 7 sins to celebrate this once sinful indulgence of Brand YOU:
Life isn’t black or white; but a beautiful canvas ordained with infinite shades of grey that manifest themselves slowly-ever changing, ever evolving. The beauty of which is captured solely by the power of your perception-which can perceive it as a muddle or a mystery. Likewise, it is your perception which will empower you to either command or be consumed by these so called sins, and transform them into 7 invinciblel ideologies to build a powerful personal brand called YOU. Are you game?
Interesting and inspiring… my suggwstion would be to make it more easy in literary terms.
Quite Differentiated approach and sounds very positive